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Re: btdt
been there done that Views: 4,930
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 856,649

Re: btdt

Why did it take so long for the general public to find out that their were 170 shots. That information was NOT RELEASED earlier(small detail overlooked or conspiracy?). He was reported to have only 2 pistols and no accomplice, yet he fired 170 shots in a 9 minute time frame.

With all the warning signs (the 2nd article is very clear about the judge 18 months earlier), I would think it unusual that Cho's name would not normally be entered into a database to prevent him from buying guns (was his name PREVENTED from going into a database?) or are the courts and campus police and state police that inept that they see no reason to put his name in the state computer?.

I first heard that Cho went to a high school in NJ. I heard different reports containing a lot of details that were later discovered to be wrong. Why was the press restrained from getting the facts right?



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