I'll give you this, obviously you have done your homework as you uncovered that THEY are the ABGA. But only a mad man would come up with cryogenics! Don't you realize that the ABGA is adamantly opposed to cryogenics? It cuts into their revenues and has been one of their greatest threats since the invention of freezers. They HATE having all those frozen bags of broccoli in grocery stores across the country and that is why they make sure that fresh broccoli is well-displayed and misted to make it look most appealing. (The misting was started by the ALGA - American Lettuce Growers Assoc. who has a big edge over the ABGA because lettuce cannot survive cryogenics, so the ABGA bought off members of Congress and successfully lobbied for equal misting for all vegetables.) Fresh broccoli=$$$ while preventing spoilage with cryogenic broccoli=less $$$! You've got to follow the $$$ trail!!!
You may, however, have redeemed yourself by suggesting that Cho IS Oswald. Not by cryogenics, but by CLONINIG! Think about it. How else could there be so much brocolli in the world? And they've obviously been doing bio-research as I am sure that you have seen the green cauliflower that has been bred with broccoli!
The only problem I'm having with your 3-name theory is how do you explain the hyphenation?