It is beginning to look more and more like this mass murder was carefully thought out and deliberately staged by others (who have yet to be apprehended), in order to start another phony "groundswell" for the Zionists murderers who want to impose their gun control in America: Did Cho have help?. Simply put, the Zionists know that the Muslims will eventually kick their butts out of occupied Palestine, and being the madmen that they are, they want to shoot anyone who resists their plan to take over America. That is why the Zionists want us unarmed. And that is why they orchestrated this "senseless killing." It wasn't really "senseless" at all -- just hard to believe, for Christians who are still unaware of world jewry's murderous past slaughters. This "senseless" mass murder was part of the master plan for world domination, which jewry has been following for the last 10 centuries. Never forget that the motto of jewry's Mossad is this: "By way of deception thou shalt make war."