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Re: Then what was this about?
been there done that Views: 4,698
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 856,205

Re: Then what was this about?

You are very good at avoiding making STATEMENTS (since you would have to commit to a STATEMENT) and instead respond with questions (questions are REPLIES, not answers/solutions) only in order to put the other person on the defensive. If you really have a valid reason for refuting the possibility of a Conspiracy in the shooting, please STATE the reason, that is PRODUCTIVE and welcome in any DISCUSSION (remember, this is a discussion forum, not a FUN "satire/mockery/make light of" forum, not a "don't take it seriously" forum and not a "discussion of VT massacre only according to the rules of #36" forum).

If you consider it FUN to ridicule and criticize the possibilities of Conspiracy in the VT massacre instead of INVESTIGATE and explore in pursuit of the objective TRUTH, you are not just grossly failing your responsibility that is taught in order to achieve such "QUALIFICATIONS" (as you claim, but do not exhibit), you are also showing the mentality of a grossly unqualified ego.

Just about a year ago, I recovered from 51 years of suicidal Depression without ever having any therapy or reading on the subject. I have been on Curezone for at least six years because it is a gathering place for those who have the courage and are genuine enough to realize that the status quo is not sufficient. Curezone is a place for ALTERNATIVES to be considered (and enthusiastically so), not a place for FUN (belittlement, ridicule, or unsolicited criticism of possibilities). So, that you use other people's (your AUDIENCE, "a few of us", mob mentality) validation of your FUN (well chosen word for mockery) to justify your denial of truth, then you are simply using other people to cover up and compensate for insecurities that you should be addressing (qualified or redemption of ego?).

If you are not willing to pursue the truth about the deaths of the VT massacre and simply ACCEPT the pacification of propaganda and disinformation, you are dishonoring not only the dead, but the living.

In their memories, we must pursue the truth.


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