18 y
Ya know, you may be on to something!
Just maybe Cho was the second shooter and was working with Lee to kill JFK, who was afterall a Catholic! Think about it - Cho could have been swept up by US government-sponsored aliens that had been working on a top secret project and placed him in suspended animation until he immigrated to the US. The INS must have switched him with the 'real' Cho. Of course they didn't take Lee because someone had to be responsible. But Cho's been orbiting the Earth floating in a tank of
preservatives . No wonder he didn't speak to his family or work in the family dry cleaning business - he didn't know who the hell these people were or how to operate the strange equipment! But before they returned him they implanted a chip in his brain that would allow them to program him to massacre college students and professors. Follow me here. Now remember that one of the professors was a holocaust survivor. So the US will be spinning a story that the President of Iran was in on it to eradicate evidence of the holocaust - just you wait and see! They'll soon be using this as the final straw to launch an attack on Iran and we'll be so embroiled in war in the Middle East that Congress will pass legislation to allow for unlimited Presidential terms so that Bush can remain in office since he is the best puppet THEY'VE ever had. But they also knew that Cho couldn't possibly pull off all those shootings by himself (great link!) so, with the help of the Russians and their extensive projects on psychic phenomena, they rolled out their new time machine and brought back none other than Cho's old buddy, Lee Harvey Oswald. That's right, Lee was the second shooter this time around and is now orbiting Earth in a big preservative tank!
Yep, it's all about the Jesuits and the Zionists!