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Colon Cleansing/Parasite Logic - HUGE "Info Bomb' Here!! Re: parasites and constipation
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Colon Cleansing/Parasite Logic - HUGE "Info Bomb' Here!! Re: parasites and constipation

There's a TON of great information here; if you're interested in colon cleansing as an effective tool against parasites, this is truly important information!


The one thing the #IF one has going for it (that virtually NO other products do) is the added herbs: Barberry rootbark (Berberis vulgaris), Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis), Garlic bulb (Allium sativum) and African Bird Pepper (Capsicum africana).

--that are SPECIFICALLY for:
soothes and heals the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. This herbal tonic also improves digestion, relieves gas and cramps, increases the flow of bile which, in turn, cleans the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver, destroys Candida albicans overgrowth and promotes a healthy intestinal flora, destroys and expels intestinal parasites, increases gastrointestinal circulation and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

There isn't ANY other product on the market that does that...and this one IS NOT MADE with heavily toxic imported herbs!!!

Check out IF#2!

Here's the IF#2 formula: Organic Flax seed ( Linum usitatissimum ), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk ( Plantago Species), WildCrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root ( Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed ( Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal ( Salix alba).

This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. This formula will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Wow, that description/blurb has been changed; it used to have a whole bunch more information about how Slippery Elm soothes and heals any wounds/holes in the digestive tract...
--think: 'absolutely heals leaky gut! & damage done by parasites'--

Read more about Slippery Elm at these links:

SLIPPERY ELM - A Modern Herbal | Elm, Slippery - Herb Profile and Information

Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)

Slippery Elm/Cayce Meridian Institute

Then there's the Apple/Fruit Pectin:

Apple pectin helps maintain intestinal balance by cleansing the intestinal tract with its soluble and insoluble fibers; it's important for good digestive health; it's advocated for those suffering from ulcers or colitis. The pectin in apples is transformed into a soothing coating for the intestines by intestinal bacteria, which eases stomach cramps (always welcome when colon cleansing and 'anti parasiting' :)
A study that appeared in the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" hints that pectin may stop cancer spreading through the body, and that pectin binds certain carcinogenic compounds in the colon, speeding their elimination from the body. ('might as well kick some 'cancer butt' while you're at extra charge :)
Apple pectin reportedly helps retain cholesterol in the stomach, binding cholesterol to itself and carrying it through the digestive tract to be eliminated and is also reported to help the body rid itself of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals prevalent in modern water, food, and air.

Read more about Apple Pectin at these links:

Apple Pectin Benefits and Information

Apple Pectin - Malus sylvestris - Encapsulated Herbal Nutrient - Herbs

Information on apple/pectin as a herb.

Here's a couple of links regarding the fennel and the marshmallow root: - A Modern Herbal | Mallows - Herb Profile and Information - A Modern Herbal | Fennel - Herb Profile and Information

This formula (and IF#2) were NOT designed by folks/companies trying to sell a product; this product was designed and utilized by Dr. Schulze for healing his patients in a clinical setting. People's very LIVES were depending upon his products working...AND THEY WORK!

Why on EARTH (unless one was SERIOUSLY hurting for money) someone would want to use ONLY psyllium or psyllium/bentonite alone, when they could use IF#2, spend the same amount of time cleansing/healing and get FAR nore 'major better' results, I couldn't tell ya. Lack of knowledge is the only thing I can think of :(

If you'd prefer to get the IF#1/#2 at 20%/25% discounter, there's a CZ poster (that owns a small co-op) that is WONDERFUL to work with. Here's a link to Chris's information:

For parasites, the absolute BEST colon/cleansing option (that's I've EVERY seen) is to combine the IF#1/IF#2 along WITH whatever anti-parasitic one is utilizing...making SURE that the antiparasitic is thoroughly mixed with the IF#2. Then one has the IF#1 (to get keep you going and also assist with critters of all kind, ) and then the bomb...the IF#2 (with all it's benefits really good soothers) mixed WITH the anti- parasite (to transport the anti- parasite DEEP into the layers of junk where the 'mothers' are breeding)... AND Bentonite clay, Pectin AND charcoal to both suck out the toxins, but also bind to them so they're released ONLY in the poop, rather than back into the bloodstream.

Oxypowder ?'ll liquefy the fecal matter (and MAYBE affect the mucoid plaque...for what is it now, $50 bucks a bottle!), but it doesn't do nuttin' for parasites but scratch their back a little...or maybe irritate 'em a bit.

One of THE best treatments for candida/digestive parasites is too mix whatever "anti" product you're using with the psyllium/fiber so it can get shoved down into the lining & diverticuli...where the parasites ALWAYS set up breeding grounds...and it keep it coming and keep it moving out. If ya wanna get rid of them, killing off the babies doesn't do a d*mn thing if the mother's are still poppin' out young 'uns!

The IF#1/#2 combination will ENSURE that you're having AT LEAST 3 bowel movements daily (if you're following the instructions)...but in colon cleansing (for parasites or not), MORE BMS IS ALWAYS BETTER (unless you're having irritation or discomfort...which you will NOT be having when you're taking IF#2 along with IF#1).

Me? When I take IF#2, I usually increase the dosage size by 1/2, take it six times daily -instead of the recommended 5- (it used to be recommended six times daily) and ALWAYS drink at least 12 ounces of water with each dose -I believe 8 ounces is recommended. I've NEVER needed IF#1 (as I'm more likely to go 'too much' than 'too little'), but doing it with the 'upped' water/fiber, I usually get 5-6 bms daily. And after just a couple of days of that, you REALLY start to see the OLD junk coming out.

And that just makes sense (serious sense). The goal here is to pull off years/DECADES worth of rubbery junk that covers the insides of our colon (and provides the OPTIMUM feeding/breeding grounds for parasites). If you're serious about 'getting it out', then the more times daily you can put the 'scrubbing bubbles in', let 'em do their thing (swelling up, sucking out toxins, loosening each layer underneath the one it's working on just a little bit more), then rinse 'em away - and hit it again and again and again, the looser and looser each layer will become, and be morelikely to dislodge! And with the IF#2, you NEVER have to worry about irritation, cramping, gas or ANY of the normal 'colon yucks' from 'typical' colon cleansing products.

P&B? Doin' psyllium once/twice a day, generally produces a couple of 'big uns'...only once or twice a day. Buut if you want something that works, you HAVE to keep the fiber in there doing it's 'scrubbing thing'...24 hours a day (and wash it away and do it again as MANY times as, did I mention that? :) And without being mixed or soaked with some type of anti-fungal/ parasite oil or powder, it doesn't do anything much but stir the parasites around a bit.

When it comes to colon cleansing, the Schulze regime WORKS...and it's been working and healing folks for DECADES (folks with FAR worse problems than most of us will EVER have).

Is this combination a "guarantee" to 100% rid yourself of parasites? Heck NO! There's quite a few more aspects to consider that cleaning your colon. HOWEVER (almost always), the colon is THE breeding if you never wipe out the breeding grounds once n' for all, it's almost impossible to rid yourself of parasites once n' for all. Think of a stagnant pond & mosquitos. You can douse that pond in as much poison as you want to, but those mosquitos ARE going to keep coming back as long as the pond is stagnant. 'Got a stagnant colon? It's THE root issue of parasites (except of course for liver flukes, et al), and one is NOT going to win the fight until the breeding grounds is clean & clear.

And that's, my .04 cents worth about that :)



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