Oh my! Yesterday I revealed the big secret to mom about
parasites and SCIO. First she started to ask questions how
parasites can wonder in the body and why stool tests wont show anything. Then I had to explain the SCIO and DR.Nelson, and when I said that the SCIO had diagnosed the
parasites she said: "If they know, why dont they give you a treatment too?" "It's not that simple mom".
I started to explain one case with a nurse that was assisting a surgeon and when they opened up a guy he was full of worms and the doctor ignored it. (that nurse is a CZ member). Another case is my friends sister which recently shitted out a white long worm and went to the docs, they said: "Oh, no worry, it will eventually die, everbody has them". And how doctors see critters like pets. Also found studies fro cambridge university that explain the nematode life cycle.
And explained the larva migrans, JIKES "could be life threatening.. they leave lesions in the tissue"
She was sold.
Then she came back up and said: "No, this can not be" "I dont believe in this" "your pains are from stress".
And she sat by the computer googling.
Today is a new day, and she will probably be sceptical. Atleast I tried.
Ok, she says: "Well, if you have this, we have to take tests to confirm this, what sort of test do yo need?" And explaining this to my family in Poland (there is a dentist, and she is married to a doc I think)
What am I gonna say?!?
I need a lab!!!!!
Yep, vtool have lots of interesting posts. Seems like the FG could be it. If its really that good I might save up to one. In the mean time, I probably need herbs, but I have had zero success with it, it just make things worse.
I imagine how "hard" it is to kill an actual earth-worm, you have to step on it with you foot to kill it. How could one transfer that sort of power/action to things in ones body.
=Poisons, frequencies. Time?
Im afraid that they will be resistant to everything in time.