So your NEW theory is to bore them to death then?
Beck's is for your immune system, which BTW was VERY low in your first SCIO.
But Beck's will not directly kill large roundworms.
So you have done step 3 of the eight steps and now figure that's good enough?
My best guess is that your immune system is now more reactive therefore the sensations you are getting.
But without a zapper or even Cloves/Wormwood and
Black-Walnut what's the point?
If you are not going to continue then see your quack because complaining won't get it done.
1. Start the Beck’s Protocol, to fully implement this will take a few days
2. Start MSM, to help cells become impenetrable. (May add ISO Whey as well)
3. Eat or Atkins, digested in upper digestive track kept clear with the Ozone from the Beck’s Protocol
4. Add a good, adapter powered zapper
5. Add cloves, only non-irradiated freshly ground and capsuled, 8-16 per day
6. Add iodine, work your way up to +50mg or Lugol’s Solution per day
7. Take periodic anthelmic herbs to flush digestive system, Full and New Moon
8. Add SCIO treatments, or Rife machine to target difficult to kill critters