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grzbear Views: 2,538
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 844,427


I believe that the fluid on the knee is there for a reason, a good one at that. Your body is telling you to stay off of it and\or be gentle with it. Easier said than done.

I have had mine drained, yes... it was not me who equated the left knee with the kidney's but I do know a search would probably bring the poster to light.

My knees will, still on occasion, get a little puffy... If this happens, it is at the end of a day when I know I did a little too much too fast.

I do not like the word "hate". I think it is too strong and leads us into the depths of depression, anger etc. When my knee or knees send painful messages to me I talk to them and tell them how important they are to me. I ask them what they need from me to get well and stay that way... and then I try like heck to do the right thing.

Try rubbing organic peanut oil into them... alternate hot and cold packs... I think Finallyfaith recommended magnetics to me once. Though I have not procured a device, I am sure it would work very well at speeding the healing process.

FF, if you read this could you repost the device you suggested to me? I think it was a Sota unit or something like that.


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