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More likely it was bromide detoxing to fast and overwheming your heart and other organs
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Published: 18 y
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More likely it was bromide detoxing to fast and overwheming your heart and other organs

A number of people who formerly described themselves as "going hyper" -- I'm one of them -- subsequently found out that their jumpiness, hot and cold flashes, heart pounding was NOT hyperthyroidism. It was bromide detox.

I held onto the notion for months that I could only take a little Iodoral. When I tried the salt loading protocol, suddenly I could take way more iodine. And we all know salt doesn't cure hyperthyroidism! So it couldn't have reversed my jumpiness.

Also, Iodine is used to TREAT hyperthyroidism.

For some people, it seems to take a year or more for their body's to adjust. Others slide into Iodine therapy with out any bumps.

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