Re: Calling all iodine mavens! "too much" iodine??
Julie, this may not give you the kind of corroborating info you are looking for in this instance, but it should help ease your mind about discussing such topics with the highly educated.
For reasons I cannot disclose, I need to be somewhat discrete in how much personal informatin is revealed here, so keep this in mind as you read these somewhat measured words. I have close family that is about as highly educated in biology and other related fields of orthodox medicine / higher education, to include pathology and other sciences, that a person can conceivably be. Several PhD's have been earned along the way, as well as employment within a large, well-known, well-funded, far-flung umbrella organization that at a mid-level is overseen by the CDC who in turn is overseen by the much larger umbrella org known as the U.S. Army. The point I want to make here is that despite whatever degrees, metals and accolades have been attained in this instance, even this kind of people are, ultimately, still human, and put their clothes on one pant leg at a time..... and in the past few years have allowed thier offspring to receive every bleepin innoculation and
vaccination that modern establishment is want to promote and hype to them as critically necessary......and also consume, by the
quart daily, common, commercialy, diet sodas....and regularly expose their offspring to the wonders of happy meals and the like......and have remarked & referred to the wonders of media/TV as "the best, babysitter in a box"....and in the past few years one of these family members willingly allowed themselves to endure removal of their gallbladder because it had been the apparent source of some pain. During those rare moments that I attempted to engage them in some intelligent discussion about certain critical issues - such as the hazzards of mercury amalgams, I'm always met with this kind of answer: "but there are no studies that indicate this is a health hazzard". Without fail, it is this kind of mentality that, A) there is little hope for one to discuss with these people SO LONG AS one also hopes to engage in substantive, intelligent, ratinal discussion/debate, and B) just goes to show how very human (and conditioned) these kinds of otherwise highly educated, highly touted minds are...... in many ways they are pretty much similar and or identical to us other, less educated human minds. The highly educated/touted minds among us, just like us average people, can and do reguarly exhibit a propensity for being somewhere between unwilling & incapable of thinking outside the highly-educated, highly conditioned, strictly regimented & contained model/pattern that has been established for them to live and work within....and when one removes the veil of "highly educated", one finds that this model/pattern is much the same that we are all conditined to live and work within.