This from the king of the sidestep. As usual, you are wrong again John. I would love to see you run an experiment that involves thousands of gallons of jet fuel and massive amounts of flammable debris such was actually in the towers and see if you can get a hot fire. Oh yea, and you need to throw in an impact that can replicate the forces involved with a massive jet throttled at full speed impacting your debris pile. You talk about your woodstove. Well I burn brush every year on my property and I can have a 4 ft. by 4 ft. brush fire that never gets large and I can come back 3 days later and the coals are still hot enough that I can throw stuff on it and it instantly ignites. 99% of scientists and engineers are against you on this. Everyone but the black sheep on the fringe of the engineering community agrees that not only is it possible, but it is what happened. You guys can huff and puff as much as you want on this, but no rational member of ANY community takes you seriously. You will always be the skunk at the garden party.