Re: The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Hmmmph I may not be intellectually narcisistic, with a long winded tedious pedantic essay everytime I post,but I like you limit my time with people like Corinthian! You can make assumptions and acusation about my posting style but that hardly puts me in the same class as the boob tube establishment moronics as Corinthian! I havent watched the tube in years!
I find that i also can nitpik much in your long winded orations and the fact that the real info is limited to two or three sentances at most, the rest is ginger bread babbling and self indulgence!
Your flowery posts produce little fruit!
I also find I can catagorize you with those self proclaimed intellectuals whose mouth out paces thier brains like Corinthian and trapper both who declare thier special insights almost everyday ! I dont consider myself above any one here I jsut tend to disagree with them. I certainly dont have all the answers like you and Corinthian or trapper but is this forum limited to superior beings only?
Seems Curezone while having attracted a more "educated" crowd recently,it has also collected less real life input and more rote quote desk hugger drool!
Seems like the real intellectuals have been ferretted out and replaced with a whole heard of psuedo intellectuals!
You all do good when you stick to the issue at hand but your offhand perdsonal attacks brings you right down off your classist white horse and puts you in the streets and alleys with the rest of mankind!
Sorry for the long winded response ,I hope its not as tedious as the ohfor07s or the corinthians of the world!