Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
Yes, John, and it is an error to bring the person into the topic. It is what you do when you have no facts to back you up. Nice try. What my position is on any other subject is not relevant to this matter. I do not categorically support QW, I support them in individual positions and not as wholesale policy. Another lie that you tell in order to gain support.
What is relevant is that there is no reasonable basis to believe in a conspiracy - btw which one as there are hundreds of them which indicates that all those ideas are useless. How does one event results in dozens of competing conspiracy theories. All they have in common is the distrust of Jews, NeoCons, GW Bush, NY real estate magnates, Aliens from outer space, the Roman Church and (crazy idea here) - it is nonsense.
It points to a serious psychological problem in your part as described in my previous posts regarding PCTs like you. You are so paranoid you are making connections where none exists.