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Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
John Cullison Views: 4,973
Published: 18 y
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Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story

Corinthian, I've already demonstrated that you lack a sufficient grasp of logic for you to credibly sit on judgment of anyone else's reasoning skills. A real adherent of science, upon being shown up so many times, would go spend some time brushing up on formal and informal logic, but not you, Corinthian. Oh, no. Instead, you expose yourself for the tool that you are by rejecting any call to improve your skills. You don't learn while continuing to fault others for the same thing. It is the virtually identical hypocrisy you fault in so many others.

Let me know when you understand why a datum which contradicts a theory disproves the theory.

For example, the temperature at which jet fuel and office supplies burn, and the amount of heat they release, is considerably lower than the amount of heat and the temperature required to melt steel, but why let such a simple fact get in the way of our benevolent leadership's explanation?

This is simple Science that a PBS documentary simply cannot explain away and that you should easily grasp. Yet you do not. Therefore, the only choices we have are a) that you really are ignorant of the subject material (and I don't believe this, as your command of scientific knowledge is impressive), or b) that you are intentionally ignoring blatantly obvious scientific facts in order to maintain your position, with a wide variety of possible reasons to explain why you would tarnish your integrity and your reputation by doing so.

Ultimately, you don't have the integrity it takes to have any real credibility, no matter how many scientific "facts" you can regurgitate.


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