Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
National Geographic, a Rockefeller controlled propaganda media! The computer animated program used to describe the collapse of the towers was a joke! This type of so called scientific exhibition is as credible as a Disney cartoon animation!
Besides the temperatures you speak of could not have had time to be reached before the implosion devices went off causing the towers to plummet at a speed close to gravity, unincumbered by the structure beneath that was blasted away allowing these buiding to collapse at such great speeds!
911 is going beyond a
Conspiracy theory, the facts are out that expose it for what it was , but huge amounts of propaganda by a bought and payed for media is what has people blinded to the truth! However I beleive up to two thirds of New York city residents beleive the whole truth behind 911 is being kept from them!
And anyone who bothers to look past the media hype can see how rediculous it is to beleive a handful of totally incompetant arabs could penetrate the defenses of the greatest military force ever created! The idea is ludicrous!