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Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
John Cullison Views: 4,713
Published: 18 y
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Re: Debunking The 9/11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story

Oh, I'm telling lies to "gain support"? What are you, in junior high?

Corinthian, my commentary on you has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of ANY Conspiracy theory related to 9/11. For me to say so would, in fact, be a logical fallacy, but for you to suggest that I cannot comment on you at all in any sort of aside from the main topic is just another red herring. If I tried to imply that your conflicting beliefs proves that 9/11 conspiracies are true, that would be an (egregious) logical error. There is nothing illogical, however, about pointing out the obvious flaw in your advancement of the government's official story. Why, Corinthian, do you see scams everywhere in the alternative medicine field, yet it's so hard for you to even consider that people with real power could be equally nefarious and misuse that power for their own selfish ends?

The only reason you harp on this is because you know I'm right and you don't have anything better to counter with. You certainly can't counter with actual facts and science.

I asked you a set of simple questions that anyone with a background in Science should have no difficulty answering, yet you avoid.

At what temperature does steel melt?

At what temperature does jet fuel burn?

And, just to be safe, at what temperature do office materials burn?

Answer the questions, Corinthian.

Anything else is an effort on your part to distract from the topic.


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