Re: Sincerely Need Help: Am I Exaggerating?
Trapper, Trapper, Trapper ... I knew I could count on you for blatant honesty, and I appreciate it.
Your intensity confirmed what I've been suspecting ... that it is as bad as I feared ... that he is, literally, a walking time-bomb ready to explode at any moment ... and that I should brace myself for the inevitable.
I think these huge, hideous recurrent boils are his desperate body's way of trying to purge itself ... kinda like a last ditch effort at cleansing/defending itself.
He is miserable. He cannot relax even in sleep. He struggles to breathe at night. Thrashes around for air. He sleepwalks. Everytime he says he has heartburn, I worry.
You said something that I have thought, but felt instantly ashamed/guilty for thinking it: "pray that it is quick and painless."
As Laura said about miracles, please remember us in your prayers.