god will not interfere with free will. we reap what we sow. this man has sown death throughout his entire body and his wife recognizes it for what it is.
if you want to know what god has to say:
Mark 9:29
And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
he must change the way he thinks(prayer is the internal dialog) and he must fast. this includes removing the metal from his mouth, which is like wearing a mercury transdermal patch.
these are things he did of his own free will. he must take responsibilty for that. and only he can. his hope is if his wife can convince him of this. i tell you, the mercury and fluoride infused brain is not its own. it can no longer act of its own volition without help. this too has been a choice, just like any life path or addiction.