I don't think that we are willing to change, until it just becomes to painful to go on. At least I was not. In my late twenty's I was so angry I was killing myself with a very dangerous life style. It took 6 years of very intense group psyco- theraphy to get well. It just got to painful to live, before I would help myself. I got the mental part taken care of, but still trashed myself in a physical way. Smoking eating junk. Mentally happy, but not tunning into what was going on with my body. Then I got kidney cancer. What a wake up call. I thought I was so strong mentally that I could reject all disease. I was dumbfounded when they told me I had cancer. I've had 11 surgeries. Not all connected to cancer, but all connected to a hedonistic life style.
I don't know how many gyms I have belonged too, where I've seen one mate decide to get healthy, and it created problems. Take care of yourself and your children. In the end that is probably all you can do.