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Re: Sincerely Need Help: Am I Exaggerating?

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Re: Sincerely Need Help: Am I Exaggerating?


In a way I think your husband is right. You have to trust God on this one because there is not much *you* can do about it. One of the most frustrating things for me about my health recovery is that so few people want to jump on the bandwagon with me!

In my experience it is true that when one family member gets healthy, others have to trend toward healthy, too. Maybe he is threatened by your efforts toward better physical health and that leads to the disparagement of your Curezone participation. And for what it's worth, my husband thought I was pretty insane when I began oil pulling (although I found him trying it a month or so after I started...).

The body is very tolerant and very forgiving of abuse in any way, shape or form. He is right -- he could outlive you by years. And of course you could get hit by a bus tomorrow! Who knows what can or will happen?

All we can do is keep the focus on ourselves. One of the hardest things for me is to let Tom (my husband) just be Tom and not try to change him in one way or the other. Even when I know it would be for the best if he would just do what I wanted! But I do think that the greatest way that we can respect and *truly* love others is to accept them as they are. It is a huge challenge. (And one that somehow I am so able to meet with my friends, but with my family it is much more difficult.)

He is a sick person just like you are or were before you began this health-recovery process. You can do a lot, without saying a thing, by asking God to take care of him. You will feel better if you do that every day -- just say, "I will let God take care of ____ today." And you of all people can expect miracles in your life -- you have one in your little one, right?

If you are doing all of this stuff, some of it, especially when the results physically and emotionally are visible, are bound to be contagious. And if you are not "pushing" it, you may find that he becomes interested of his own volition. If not, you will still be OK.

And, to heed an earlier commitment I made to myself about keeping posts related to Oil Pulling, -- it sure sounds like he needs to OP. It would help with the circles under his eyes! ;)

Good luck and happy pulling,



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