just when you begin to think no one understands, you find out that a whole lot of people actually do... before the relationship that ended up with the punch in the eye, i lived with a hypocritical 'born-again' who used the bible when it was convenient for him. He pounded into his poor son's head that 'the sins of the father' was his destiny, so that talented young man grew up to be as big a loser alcoholic as his pop.
anyway, i digress... you all are such literate folks who appear to be terribly educated in the subject matter at hand; the sin is that it was all baptism by fire. luckily, we are all intelligent enough to realize that we are better than what our 'qualifiers' made us out to be. they are the defective ones--not you, not me, not any of us here. he'll get another girlfriend, and he'll hope she's not a tenth as smart as you. hopefully, for her sake, she's not. hold your head high, girl. you can see more from up there.