I’m sorry some how I missed your post. My BMs were always pretty much solid, all except the very end. Because the ends were so wishy washy I got a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Also they used to be very warm and uncomfortable because I ate too late at night, giving me more problems the following day. I chose apples because my situation needed more water soluble Fiber along with a little insoluble Fiber. Fortunately Flaxseeds are very pliable, giving you a lot of options. And I think you’re right, you need to mix them with something else that’s going to enforce more of a substance to your BM’s. Flaxseeds are rich in insoluble Fiber meaning they pass through our intestines largely intact. But they shouldn’t be of a mushy consistency. Because your diarrhea is constant it almost sounds like an Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Have you noticed that certain foods trigger Diarrhea? Do you feel like your stomach needs to calm down? The reason I ask is because if you have IBS then your approach would be different. I would try to break the cycle of chronic diarrhea and normalize bowel function then work on its form. Also an insoluble food such as flaxseed to someone with IBS doesn’t necessarily make anything worse it just spins the wheels so to speak.
I hoped this helped and I don’t mind helping if it’s in my power to do so.