Re: Need Help - Fairly Desparate - Sugar Sensitivity
Hi NjB
The symptoms of canida are invariably the same as the symptoms you will get with die off. So, if you get nausea with die off, you will get nausea with the candida itself. I get that too, when I have fed it. I get this awful nausea and a dreadful feeling of food wedged in my system and I can also 'feel' exactly where the offending meal is at any point thereafter, right up until the point of elimation! I sympathise with you. It is awful.
Lack of
Sugar cravings does not actually equal lack of candida. My candida preferred alcohol, cheese, salty, fatty crisps (chips, if you are in the US), pizza, burgers, pasta, and that sort of thing. All those foods feed it just as well as sugar. Sodas, breakfast cerials, milk, cream, potatoes, bread, the list is endless, will all satisfy candida's appetite, and if you look hard enough at your diet (I mean your normal diet, rather than a modified candida diet), you will likely find something lurking in there that is feeding your candida just fine, thank you! If you do,in fact, have candida that is.
Also, lack of brain fog, again, does not mean you dont have candida, but it is likely that you don't have systemic candida, in which case you may have caught it early, and it will therefore be easier to eliminate. Brain fog (mine was dreadful), tends to be worse with leaky gut, which occurs as candida becomes more prolific and the body weakens and the immune system breaks down.
I would still do a
parasite cleanse, whatever your doc says. Many people on curezone have been given the all clear, done a
parasite cleanse and passed hundreds of liver flukes,
Ascaris and heaven knows what else. The Askhumaworm forum is a great place to get information, and he sells his product on ebay for around about $20 including delivery. Ive just finished a cleanse, and can definitely say my symptoms have reduced considerably, and some gone altogether.
I hope I have touched on one or two things that might be of help to you,and that you gain some relief soon. It is difficult sticking to a strict diet regime when you are unable to prepare your own food, but you can get used to it, and get stuff served without the sauces,(its a bit boring, I know, but the improvement in your general health and wellbeing makes it worth it).