Well your history reads like that of the perfect candida victim. My story is similar, you just have to throw in some mercury fillings. Now I understand my teenage breakouts. My body was trying to tell me something.
Regarding your sensitivities, they can increase for a while because of the extra toxins circulating from taking the antifungals. Do you have any mercury fillings or possible dental issues?
It took me months of following the diet plus all kinds of other protocol (colon cleansing,
FIR (Far-Infrared-Sauna) sauna, skin brushing, oil pulling, liver flushing, alkalizing drinks - there are few leaves I have left unturned) and now the sensitivities are not as bad as they used to be. In a way I am finding this difficult because it was much easier to avoid the trigger foods when they made me feel terrible. I have found myself over the holidays slipping a bit. I keep telling myself that after the new year comes, I will get back on the straight and narrow.
Over the summer, I was like a slug, no energy whatsoever, sleeping 8.5 hours a day and falling asleep after every meal. Now I have regained much energy. I think it was because my body was low on minerals.
Your life is gonna be different while you fight this. Other people do not understand your illness, you cannot eat out alot, the protocol is time consuming and can make you a little obsessive even if it is rightfully so that you can restore your health.
How wonderful that you have not drank any soda for 20 years. However, living in today's world of toxins, anyone can benefit from cleaning out their pipes. I started with
Oxypowder before my candida started in my intestines. I have tried to take it since I have had candida but it makes me gassy. Someone pointed out that if your have any leaky gut stuff going on that the caprylic acid may aggravate it. After a couple months into the diet I bagan taking some L-Glutamine and Bovine Colostrom to help heal my gut.
I now rotate protocol because I would go mad if I had to swallow all of that stuff down everyday. Here's a list of stuff I have taken
Antifungals - oregano oil. garlic, GSE, SF722, Caprylic Acid
Probiotics - 8 billion Acidophilus, Bifidius etc + homemade yogurt
Other stuff - B vitamins, Bovine colostrum, L -glutamine, chrorella tablets, kelp, barley grass powder, Pau d'arco,
Wormwood combo, PB&C shakes, digestive enzymes.
You can see that's a hell of alot of stuff to do.
Most of the regular docs think candida doesn't exist and they will prescribe one of those prescription antacids and tell you to go on the IBS diet which is bad because it has a lot of simple carbs. They will tell you to take Digestive enzymes.
It's late and I am rambling and perhaps not making any sense. Do the diet for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.
Hope you have a Happy Christmas.