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Need Help - Fairly Desparate - Sugar Sensitivity
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Published: 19 y

Need Help - Fairly Desparate - Sugar Sensitivity

Please, please, I need some answers as to what is going on for me. I posted a week or two back about Sugar sensitivity. Exactly two weeks ago I stopped all the Candida supplements I was told to take by a naturopath, namely Pau D'Arco tea, Swedish bitters, garlic, and GSE. I stopped them because I had developed a sensitivity to sugar; I figured it was from the die-off of Candida, but I wasn't sure and I got scared so figured it's better to stop.

It has been two weeks and I still am accutely sensitive to sugar. It's not like I am eating it on purpose; I travel for business and therefore can't control every meal the way I can at home. I try but it's difficult. The thing is, the Nat. Dr. told me I needed to detox from the die-off so she started me on Roasted Dandelion RooT tea, Yogi Detox tea, and a Castor Oil pack with heat every night. I've done it all faithfully every night for a week. I still am accutely sensitive to Sugar in any form. My questions are:

1) if I'm not taking anything to kill the Candida for the past three weeks, why would I still be having die-off?
2) I'm not convinced this is die-off. I have absolutely no other symptom of die-off and never did - no headache, no achy body, no fuzzy brain.
3) If I am having to detox my liver and system, how long does it take? I'm not adding any new toxins to my system so why I am not at least feeling an improvement gradually?
4) If it's not die-off, what could it be?
5) Does everyone get this Sugar sensitivity when treating Candida? My symptoms when I eat anything with sugar is nausea anywhere from 3 to 12 hours after eating it, and a stomach ache. Abdomen also hurts to the touch right in the stomach area.

I want to continue with a Candida program, but before I start up again I want to get back to normal.

Originally, I was being treated for a burning stomach after meals. It has become fairly cronic over the past two years and I was diagnosed with Moderate Candida - not systemic.

If you've read this far thank you and also for any insight you can provide. I'm getting desparate for some answers.



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