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Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Feel Like The Wind!
Be light and breezy now!

NjB Views: 4,251
Published: 19 y
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Thanks so much! I really appreciate that you wrote all that out for me. I know it takes some time/editing, etc.

Let's see... how did I get into this mess? Well, I had Acne in my teens and twenties. Went to the dermotologist and she prescribed Antibiotics . I was on them for years straight, off and on. Every time she would take me off the acnet would come back. I remember telling her that I thought the drugs were just masking the problem but not solving it. Finally, after 10-15 years of this I discovered facials which (of course) she did not endorse. I never went back to her and now I have beautiful skin.

That, in addition to ten years of birth control pills. And, I have traveled a lot and have taken Antibiotics as anti-malarial profilactics and/or to fight various stomach ills that would strike when eating in third world countries. Basically, I know its the over use of Antibiotics that has done it for me. When I got the diagnosis of Candida, I figured it made sense, given my history.

I guess I am having a hard time understanding this food sensitivity thing though. It sounds like you've been at this for a while. Do the sensitivies go away? I can't understand why new sensitivities appear while trying to treat the Candida.

Anyway, i really appreciate your input and I feel better knowing that someone has the same "symptoms" as me. I really was thinking something else is seriously wrong and I made an appointment with a gastroentenologist on Thursday. I can't get in until mid Jan though, so now I am thinking I may as well continue with the tea and the Grapefruit-Seed-Extract like my nat. Dr. suggested and see how it goes. Maybe I'll end up cancelling that appt. I have never done any bowel cleansing - never had too, but I guess if it's part of the healing... I don't really eat the typical American diet - no soda for more than 20 years, no processsed foods, and no fast food at all for many years. Maybe I'll get through this faster?

Merry Christmas!


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