19 y
Re: Immune system and parasites - Shroom, you there?
>welcome to hell< funny comment. one needs humor to deal with these things.
parasites cause grasshoppers to drown themselves<
parasites in mice cause, direct the mice not to fear the cat, so the
parasite infected mice run TO the cat to be eaten so the
parasites in the mice can finish thier life cycle in the cat. non
parasite infected mice run AWAY from the cat.
most suicidal, necrophillic or self destructive people probably have filaria worms in the brain and blood and blood cell death (apopsis) from the worms. 2/3rds of the world dies from malaria, filarial blood cell destroying worms.
quinine made from chinchoa bark is the cure for malaria, or peruvian bark is said to be superior to quinine, less side effects. interesting to note vitamin C may also kill microscopic worms.
looks like microscopic E.granulosus exists also, above should kill that too. not sure what chemicals the worms secrete to control thier hosts behavior, the worms are probably just directed to survive and use one host to get to another host to complete thier
parasite life cycle. I think we should just eliminate intracellular and cellular trespassers.