Well now I'm not the expert so I don't know why you would be partially incorrect..lol..it was a dumb blanket statement that essentially meant, hey I do think your right and onto something. I was also thinking the massive scar tissue I have, pelvic to belly button, sliced up and down five times in that spot, well I don't think it will ever be completely free of some sort of scar, or could it? It's not possible in my mind anyhow but it certainly is a far cry from what it was and recently someone in the medical establishment, think it was the massage therapist, said it was quite remarkable in what he has seen or compared to considering the amount of cutting that was done. He thought they were careful not to "butcher" me. It does look very good compared to what it did a year ago and it doesn't hurt anymore! = )
Now about this UV light, what exactly should I do, and what should I be observing, just anything?