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Re: HELP!!! MY CAT WON"T DRINK and barely eats!!!
Healme Views: 17,859
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 75,968

Re: HELP!!! MY CAT WON"T DRINK and barely eats!!!

I can't get her to drink hardly. She only licks the juice off her food and sometimes will drink alittle milk ( not usually though) I would probably have to give it to her in a syringe. Got in suggestion on how much ( a drop or two?)in food? I wouldn't want anything stronger than 5-10ppm . I guess i would just not agitate is as long. Right? Is the silver puppy easy to use and does the kit come with everything. Where do I get my silver. Sorry but I dont' know anything about making my own but It sounds like a good idea for me and the cat. I hope she can hold out long enough for me to get the money to buy it. If I had to just get some for now I wonder what kind would be best. I have seen Soverign Silver but I want to make sure its ionic. At least from what I understand it kills bacteria, fungus etc.. where some of the others don't. I am not even sure if Sovereign Silver is Ionic because it doesn't say I don't think.I want something safe but I do want to get the silver puppy and make my own as soon as I can if its not too complicated.Thanks for any advice.


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