Hi there! I appreciate your response to my cries here! I don't know why they wouldnt treat her ears either. That I thought should have continued since it was possible she was off in her equilibrium and could interfere with her eating and drinking but that medicine they gave her according to a article I read last night is for ear mites. Thats confusing since they said it was a ear infection but how can you tell that by a q-tip swab? Well I am not a vet so maybe they can but I was wondering all the same. She want's to live but she is stubborn too. She clenches her jaws shut so you can force liquid or pills down her. But you can tell she trys hard to eat but she is tired of feeling bad too. I love her sooo much , she so loving , I really hope they find out her reasons for not drinking especially. I left another message below giving some more detail but again I thank for responding. Its not easy to deal with , When you feel so helpless to do anything. I have been trying to do my homework though. What about Auria? I hope I spelled that right? Could that be her problem? Or can ear mites go deep into the ears and cause worse problems? Thanks for you support it is greatly appreciated.