Collodial silver like you get at walmart? Some as humans take? how much should I give her? Tablespoon wise . Thanks for the info. I have heard collodial silver can Help animals too. How much is it? Yeah she isn't getting any better. I don't know if she is just extremely weak, got cancer or had a stroke. It is so hard to tell but I know one side of her seems wrong. She falls to one side and that is the same side they said her ear had problems also her eye on that side looks different almost smaller. She sleeps with one eye closed and one eye open. Weird but it just happens to be the eye on the same side everything is going on to. So I am wondering if she had a stroke now. Who knows. I will try the silver. Let me know if its the same kind you use for humans and any special kind i should get. Thanks. I am sorry I didn't catch that before.I read something about a zapper but I don't even know what that is. Thanks!!