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Re: My cat did that
Healme Views: 17,914
Published: 19 y
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Re: My cat did that

What kind of symptoms did your cat have. I see some bizarre things in mine. Thanks for you info. She is still not doing good. She ate alittle this morning not enough to live on though. Just wondering what all your cat did and if you noticed anything weird with her eyes for throat. My cat some time acts like she is going to gag but its only after she has try to eat alittle and shes been holding her tongue out more than usual. It weird but her face doesn't seem the same. One eye stays open and open shut when she is sleeping. I never notice her eye being that open when she slept but it open more than ususal not wide open as in alert. But she does follow my fingers side to side and up and down when she is awake.We might be putting her down if she keeps this up. I am giving her antibotics right now but they don't seem to be helping.


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