Here is something I found on the internet read below I need to know the dosage I don't want to overdo it for the cat.
According to the experts, Colloidal Silver will kill everything bacterial, viral and fungal after 7-8 minutes of entering the body. I always suggest that you give a .5 ml dosage by mouth. You can add to water. You can put in the ears for ear mites/infections; in the eyes for eye problems and for new kittens; in the nose for URI's; on the umbilical cord of a newborn kitten, or topically. Just make sure that it isn't any stronger than 5-10 ppm or it can cause silver poisoning.
Elaine, N.D.
SO how would I know how much is 5-10ppm if I just bought a bottle? I don't have the money for a generator right now . Is it hard to make?