I have been very interested in this post of yours about lab testing and it has exploded with comments. It appears to me that the (so call medical testing labs) around the country are being scrutinized to a level that they are unused to. When you look at people coming down with Morgellons who send their samples to these labs and get told that it is negative there is something very wrong. My wife sent in a three day stool sample of her Bm's to Kaiser Permenente and in that sample was a large fat worm ( there was no doubt), and the results were negative for the worm. Maybe it might be necessary to get your fat worm, take it down to the actual lab where the tests are done and gently place it on the lab tech's plate during his/her lunch period and ask "is this or is this not a worm".
These labs are under attack from people all over the world; they are not going to be doing "business as usual" as they had done in the past, because there is a new urgency in this world of Morgellons and parasite infection and their feet will be held "to the fire".