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Re: Is Anyone Familiar with Dianos-Tech Labs........
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Re: Is Anyone Familiar with Dianos-Tech Labs........

Hi Apxr: It's me once again - I so agree with your comments.

I was livid today to the point where I told that """" on the phone at Diagnos-Techs, when she said to me, "we cannot give you that answer" I then said to her "well then perhaps you would prefer to give the answer to my attorney in COURT"... and hung up in her face. I really could have killed her - I am so sick to death of the medical profession in this country!!!!!!!!!!

And, these labs are strictly ''alternative medicine'' and it is we who follow alternative medicine that keep them in business. Bastards - please, everyone, forgive my mouth and language but I am fit to be tied over this today. If it wasn't for those of us who follow alternative medicine they could not stay in business because the morons and crooks in the traditional medical field scoff and laugh at the tests they provide, calling them useless.

And, the freaking doctor who calls herself a doctor - christ, she wants to have a consultation (by phone - she is in New Mexico) for every damn thing at tghe cost of $200/hour on the phone!!!!!

Her response to me was:

I do not know ahead of time how complex the consultation to review lab results will be and prescribe appropriately until I see the results. It depends on how many different parasites you might have and whatever else may show up as positive that needs tr> eatment. I can send your results to you at no charge. But if you want me to interpret them and pr> escribe what is necessary to resolve any positive results, I do need to charge for that as it takes my time and knowledge of what effectively treats which parasite. If you want to take the results to someone else who charges less, that is fine.

Can you people imagine - this is after I have spent many, many hundreds of dollars on her consultations and bio-identical hormore formulas which did not work for me, just left me with worse symptoms, not to mention the close to $500 I have spent on all the damn saliva and stool tests at these ..... labs.

Greedy Bitch!

My apologies, my extreme apologies - but, isn't it illegal for a lab not to answer such a simple question?? Your remark about leaving the results up to interpretation are exactly what I was thinking. If that is what is done, then there is nothing definitive about the results - depending on who reads them, you get different analysis.

OK - I need a drink and perhaps I will look for a lawyer tomorrow. I do not believe in the crazy litigious society we have become, but, I'll tell you a lot of these companies derserve being taken to court. Like I said to this doctor in my email - what is the secret - what are you or they hiding when they will not only not discuss my tests with me but they won't even answer ONE SIMPLE QUESTION>....


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