I wanted to respond to your post, because your symptoms sound very similar to mine - looking literally pregnant on a very healthy Diet and receiving only short-term relief from doing fasts and expelling lots of mucoid plaque (I did the Arise and Shine cleanse). These symptoms stumped me for years. It is only recently that I discovered I have intestinal parasites. I don't know if you have looked into this yet, but I encourage you to do some research and see if this could be your problem. www.innvista.com is a good site to look at for parasite cleansing.
As an aside, I spoke with the biochemist at a top coconut oil company, and she indicated that 3-4 tbsp is in many cases excessive, even though that amount is recommended to everybody. She said that she herself only consumes approx. 1 tsp per day, and felt that 3-4 tbsp. was too much for a lot of people. Ultimately, you will be able to listen to your body and decide how much you really need.