Re: More energy, but that's about all
You might read Bruce Fife's book, Eat Fat, Look Thin. It talks about how coconut oil helps you lose weight, and much, much more. It tells why vegatable oils are unhealthy, nutritionless and artery clogging (olive oil is not a vegatable oil, common misconception--it's a fruit oil like coconut oil but with different structure). Also I noticed you said whole grains, do you use sprouted grains? To lose weight faster cutting out all grains will get you there more quickly as well as of course
Sugar and white flour. Also all of those "diet" foods with artificial sweetners are a no no. Their side effects are many, including actually weight gain. Also I'm sure you are but taking a tablespoon with each meal helps the weight dissolve faster than taking all of your coconut oil at one setting.
Liver cleanse is great as well as other detoxing methods. I've found that my body has quite a lot of toxins still from poisioning and that try as I might it is very hard for me to lose weight too. Getting my body into homestasis has/is difficult, and I believe it to be the key as nothing else alone has solved the problem for me. Once your body acheives homestasis the
pounds just melt off because your body is healthy. I listened to ElectricLife's audio tape, it made more sense to me than anything else I have read in several years. My mom gave me her tape, but I see on their webpage they charge $1.50 but it was so informative. As soon as my tax refund comes I plan on buying these products. All I go on right now is what I heard and it made so much sense to me since I have not tried the products yet. You can read about them at if you are interested. Hope this helps some, best of luck to you, Caitlin Lorraine