Re: How can you enjoy paradise knowing others are suffering?
49156 and darkgatherer,
In reading your posts in this thread, I've been preoccupied by your courage to question the status quo and also your sensitivity/affinity for compassion and sentiment (as opposed to simple emotion). I think that Christian growth depends on realizing how much traditional Christian teaching has indoctrinated us and that we have been taught to exchange natural human compassion and respect for our fellow human being for PROTOCOL. We should not resemble the pharisees in practice OR thought/attitudes. Traditional teachings haven't impressed me either, I "...desire a better country" (Hebrews 11:16) and as The Lord's prayer states,..."His will shall be done on earth" also. 1 Corinthians 2:10 says it is our option to seek "the depths of God" (this is not buddhist, but it is profound and a sort of ZEN). And you dare question what is the word of God? do your Father in heaven proud (such courage in the name of love). Ephesians 1:13 and 2 Timothy 2:15 tell us that we read the word of truth (and you know who the TRUTH is, John 14:6), but when The Spirit gives us daily instruction how to walk in love, we HEAR The Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) and that is the word we are to live by (every word that PROCEEDS, present tense, out of the MOUTH of God), For the word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). "Therefore, we must leave..." (Hebrews 6:1) and move on to maturity" by learning how pharisitical it is to be obsessed with the simple avoidance of sin as a means of devotion and that our behavior can only be Godly if we learn to make DISTINCTIONS according to CONSCIENCE (the tree that Adam and Eve ate from) be fed with solid food (Hebrews 5:14) because evil has consequences that cause people to suffer (and out of compassion, we want to avoid the prevention of "good"). Of course God's standard of righteouness is the same today and forever, but there is no middle ground (no shadow or variation) between right and wrong when we change our plans (with a shortcut) in doing a good deed, for He did not come to bring peace on earth (so that everyone could just continue doing whatever they want regardless of morality or merit), He came to create a CLEAR division between right and wrong (Luke 12:51 and Hebrews 4:12).
God has clearly moved in your hearts.