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Re: Need new bowel program

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

hayley3 Views: 2,269
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Re: Need new bowel program

Hi Pat,

I can relate totally. I'm 47. I also have urinary urgency, lupus, reactive arthritis. I did the spit test for candida and mine wasn't too bad.
Before I found this forum, I was drinking up to 6 sodas a day. I also had parasites. I don't know which one did it, but I feel almost human today. I started about 2 months ago. I can actually get up in the morning and smile just because my head is so much clearer and my eyes less blurry. I have not drastically changed my diet, although ever since I got sick I have tried to make home made foods rather than eating stuff in boxes, etc.

On the salt water flush.., I did, at first, think it must be bypassing everything, but the water in the toilet was almost black everytime I went. After posting my last message, I thought about what you said about pencil thin stools. I have the same thing which must be spastic colon (IBS). So I'm gonna do some research on that. Besides cancer, spastic colon also causes pencil thin stools. I do have the pencil thin stools intermittently.

I knew I had parasites because my daughter had worms in her bowel movement, so we took some medicine the dr gave us. Before we found out we had worms, we both were having incomplete bowel movements, ALOT of gas, and constipation. Anyway, she started passing the worms, and I could not have a bowel movement so I knew they were in there. Yuk!
I don't really exercise, because I have Arthritis everywhere, but I just bought some baby goats, which motivates me to get out of this chair more often. I have a long way to go, because it's hard to change old habits. I'm still fighting my "cafe vienna" habit, and I'm not winning, it is. I also feel this is contributing to my constipation. My daughter has candida, and it is just hard taking away her cereal. But compared to what she was eating, we are making progress.
I just bought the book Nourishing Traditions so that I can learn to cook more healthful ways. I do agree that having candida complicates things. We are trying to cut down on the sugar, but I don't like Stevia.

I have found that adding just a little apple to any juiced veggie will make it taste great. I know in my case it's not that I don't like veggies, it's the quality of the veggies at the store.
I wish I could buy organic but I can't.

Anyway, I'm off to do some searching on IBS.



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