I haven't juiced much veggies at all so far, some carrot, Celery along with fruit. May I ask, how do you juice ginger root? It seems to me it would be too hard to go through, & I don't see how you would get juice out of it.
Well when it comes to my Gallstones I'm sort of in a state of limbo right now. As you know I'm having a problem with the bowel program & I do not wish to do a Liver Flush till I have a clear passageway for the stones to pass. I have calcified stones & what I've seem on the ultrasound they look big. When I went to the surgeon I was given the wrong film for him to see. But when I did get the right film I did not bring it back to him. I don't plan on seeing him again.....he's a complete idiot!! I still waiting for Clarkia to get here......damm it takes a long time. In the meantime I sure would like to get back on a bowel program, if somebody could give me an idea.