Re: I just turned 18..
Dear SeasonCharms,
I just read your story and am very touched, as is everyone. You are a very strong person and are obviously making a choice to recover and deal with your depression, anger, and betrayal by writing about your abuse.
Remember you are not the one with the problem. Your parents are the ones with the problems. They obviously hate themselves, not you. But unfortunately they are just bad parents. My father was abused as a child, but grew up to be the most caring, loving person that I have ever met. I guess he made the choice to not be anything like his parents. But unforunately there wasn't counseling in those days and he never really got over the
Depression and self loathing that was instilled in him as a child. He use to say, "I'm just kind of blue today". It was so sad. Though he was one of the best people that I have ever met, he still didn't like himself.
I JUST DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GO THROUGH LIFE WITH THESE FEELINGS! There are so many places to find help these days. From here on out you need to be very selfish and only worry about yourself. Don't worry about anyone else's feelings, especially your parents'. If you are in school, go to a counselor. Since you are 18, they will not be obligated to go to the police on your behalf unless you want them to. They will counsel you for free for as long as you need it. If you are no longer in school, there are places where you can find free counseling. Your parents need never find out. Just don't think that you will be able to deal with this on your own. Counseling can be very freeing.
If you need help finding counseling, please feel free to contact me, I will do my best to help.
Take heart, life is good. You are a very strong person and deserve to feel good about yourself.
I just wish that my 3 year old turns out to be as strong a person as you are.