Sanity's overrated anyway
You are obviously a very strong and intuitive person, which can do nothing but help you. I'm sure you've got that little voice inside that tries to guide you who has your best interests in mind. Perhaps, like me, you've let the self-destructive intentions over-ride that tiny voice.
I've found this cleanser disarms my self-destuct button and let's the rest of my innerlings speak up and be heard. I have so much that I want to attend to and accomplish and I feel I now can. I have the freedom to attack the little things in life that have been annoying me and wanting to be attended to, and as I progress I'll be able to attack bigger and bigger issues until hopefully I can come to a place I''ve never been before: at ease with myself.
Have a wonderful journey and should you want to share whatever plagues you, give a post.
(also, I suppose I should work on my problems with run-on sentences...nah)