Re: Thank GOD for curezone-clark-schultz!!!!!............
Robbie, Im' so thrilled that you're goal is to open up that healthfood store!
Our communities are so alternative healthstore deprived.
For example- the ONLY place I could find herbal
parasite de-wormer and
Wormwood herb was at this local family owned healthfood store in my area. I go there almost every week now.
Not only do they sell all the herbs , they sell organic olives, organic tomatoe sauce, raw nuts, organic fruits and vegetables and sprouts., different kinds of health breads -- some made with Hemp, some with Pumpkin seeds.,
They even have an alternative beauty section (one part sells Burts Bees cosmetic products) , alternative petfood section, alternative household and laundery cleaner section.
They started out as a small store in the Country- and now they expanded a bit. - Still have the small store in the Country- but they added this one. They do very well.
I'll be praying for your success in this venture!
They always say- that good comes out of suffering. To be able to help others, we often dont know true compassion unless we first went through it ourselves!
God Bless