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megan Views: 18,738
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 470,674


Hello MH!,

I'll skip the quassia then, do you think the tea is fine with just olive leaf, Wormwood and cloves, or should I add something else? I take the oil of oregano too. The type of oil of oregano I have is "wild oil of oregano" with carvacrol content 86% in a 1:4 ratio olive oil. It's sort of expensive at $35 for 25ml. I thought after I use it up I could brew my own oregano, I thought maybe in a strong tea, but is it better to take as an oil? Can I get it strong enough with a tea?

The Black-Walnut I have in bulk was from a herbalist, and I think it was green Black-Walnut hulls...I thought maybe it'd be good just as that potassium source, but it's also a year old...didn't know if that would matter either....maybe it's not worth taking?

Thanks a lot for your help,

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