"i understand that i am clothed with the righteousness of Christ and seen by God as perfect, but in the flesh (being realistic) i also understand that i will and do sin."
I can see by your posts that you have a pure desire to "grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" 2 Pet 3:18 and I want to be very gentle with you. God sees things one way (through The Cross of His Dear Son), and we see things another way (according to the natural man). When we daily come to The Cross we learn to put off the "old man" and put on "the new", repenting if you will. Changing our minds about: Who Christ is, What he has done, Who He has made me to be in the "new creation" and how He wants to "live His life through me". These things cut against the grain of the natural man. We do not any longer see ourselves after the flesh (the old sin nature), it has been dealt with on The Cross Rm 6:6,11. This is what God says, this is reality. If we sin we have a provision in 1Jn 1:9 to confess our sin (simply agree with God that we have missed the mark) and fellowship is restored. Even if it's seventy times seven a day ( which is an idiom of speech for unlimited) for the same sin. Heb 8:12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. This is the mercy of God through Christ that makes us want ot fall on our knees and worship Him. How He loves us dispite ourselves. Seventy times seven is 490, now the first time I confess my sin, it is forgotten, the second; forgotten, the thrid; forgotten, and so and so on. Now I am at 399, confessing the same sin over and over again, what is The Father reaction, it has noly been three hours scince I confessed the first time.
He does not rebuke me for my repetitive error or say "Are you back again for the same thing this is the 399 time in the last three hours", no He has already forgotten the 398 times. Please don not think me Pentecostal if I say "Praise His Name", but this is the wonder of His Love. Rom 4:7 "BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOSE LAWLESS DEEDS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN, AND WHOSE SINS HAVE BEEN COVERED.
Realistically, the Father never sees us in sin because they are cover under "The Blood of The Cross", He only sees believers in fellowship or out of fellowship. If we sin and remember it or think that we are going to sin sometime we are not thinking the things of God. SIN HAS BEEN DEALT WITH ONCE AND FOR ALL IN CHRIST'S BODY ON THE TREE, IT IS NO LONGER AN ISSUE WITH GOD, FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM IS NOW THE ISSUE. I'm not yelling, the capitals are to stress the point.
I have posted a couple of times "Who I am in Christ", which is how God sees us. It is what is written in His Word how He sees us. Do we accept these things by faith or reject them and go by sight?
Disclaimer: All uses of the words we, us, our,...etc refer to Believers only and not to the Lost.