Re: Purpose Driven Life (not to beat a dead horse)..EV
It has been my experience as a women's Bible teacher that the majority of women do not spend daily time in God's Word and in prayer. It seems that we get way to busy. We will not become mature Christian women unless we learn the ways of God from His Word. Also, it is awesome to learn from God's gifted teachers. There are several women in minsitry that are awesome. Does anyone have a favorite?
We must be very careful to be in prayer and to check ourselves often against God's Word and to fellowship with other godly women to whom we can be accountable. As we see from some posts here how easy it is to get out of line with God's Word. I do totally believe we will know truth as we seek truth and keep our hearts from hardening against the help of other godly brothers and sisters and always keeping ourselves open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We must not think we can be islands unto ourselves we need the body.
Seems to me that there are shepherds that don't have a clue what it means to be a shepherd. And I don't believe we have a handle how much Jesus wants for us to be family, real family, His family.
We can get beyond the milk. We can move onto the meat but it does take some time and work and lots of prayer. The Holy Spirit is waiting for us to come, He is such a sweet teacher.
God bless,