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goat Views: 2,308
Published: 21 y
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Right now, I'm trying to decide what religion I want to belong to whether It be Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism.
All I know is that I don't want to be separated from God even after death. I've accepted Jesus as my saviour years ago. Yet I don't go to church or read the Bible. I just don't get much out of reading the Bible for some reason. I like reading Buddhist scriptures better. Buddhist believe in reincarnation for instance and Christians don't. So this leaves some doubt in my mind of my fate after death of which I'm worrying about. I don't know if what I'm feeling is a premonition of my own demise but I've been thinking about this an awful lot lately. I feel "unsettled" spiritually.
I feel God's presence in my life but I also have a lot of emotional turmoil in my life and maybe I'm confusing emotional issues with spiritual ones. I don't know just yet. I'm trying to get to the root of all my problems I guess.


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