Grace, faith, works...of love.
The Most Holy Tri-unity grants us that most lavish, freely-offered gift of the grace to know and love our Creator. This salvific grace is responded to in faith, that child-like trust in the providence of God.
Christ called His followers to live the Law of Love, an active faith which flowers into works, not of compulsory law, but of love freely offered. It is these works of love which will be judged. The lamp of faith is to be set on a hill, not hidden in one's heart while one's hands are barren through some tepid refusal to actualize God's love.
The works of the law were fulfilled by Christ Jesus, Who gave us a New and Eternal Covenant under a renewed command of love. This Law of Love, active faith, treats each person as if they were Christ Himself. These works of loving faith, not a desolate "said" faith, is that response to God's grace which will be justly judged by God.