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reincarnation in the early Christian church???
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reincarnation in the early Christian church???

an interesting piece on reincarnation:

Reincarnation is a law of human nature, like gravity is a law of planetary nature.
Reincarnation is proof of the Love of God. Any doctrine teaching that God gives people only one unequal chance, and if they don't make it they will suffer for eternity--is an evil doctrine about an evil being--and is not a doctrine about God, our loving Father and Mother of Jesus our Saviour.

Common sense tells us that every 60 years at least three thousand million people in Asia never has a fair chance to become Christians, and that millions of Muslim children cannot be Christians, and we know that two hundred and fifty thousand children are infected with HIV every month, and that every minute five children die of starvation--when do these beings find time and fair opportunity to 'please God' so that they be spared eternal suffering torture?

Reincarnation is sweet sensible proof of the Love of God.

Reincarnation is like school
The Way we walk to becoming perfected, becoming in Christ, is called Theosis. Like school, we have to do one year after another and write exams before we proceed.

Reincarnation is to come back to school after every year-end holyday. We continue with this process until we are graduated and have no more need to return.

Reincarnation in the early Christian Church
Reincarnation was standard teaching in the earliest church, even in the West. The West however decided to redefine the received Yesu teaching when the church exploded into a large state organisation. More than three hundred years after Yesu the West formulated a doctrine that Yesu was actually God, and that Yesu's mother Mary was the mother of God. This new doctrine led to theological and philosophical problems and resulted in the massive Arianism schism in the church and in AD533 the doctrine of reincarnation was officially declared a heresy by western church councils. This resulted in the pillage and burning of thousands of books by great old teachers such as St. Origen (born AD180).

As the Tau Teh Ching says, 'If you cannot scare people with death, then you have nothing left to scare them with'. The western church got rid of reincarnation and they could successfully market the fear of death to their people.

Reincarnation in Scripture
Even western Christian Scripture still bears traces of early reincarnation teaching preached by Yesu. Eastern Yesu Scripture and The Eastern Bible understands reincarnation as a given and already well assimilated doctrine at the time. It was not new in the time of Yesu...reincarnation is literally as old as the mountains.

Is reincarnation a copout?
If one should feel, for some or other reason, that reincarnation is a copout, it makes one wonder about conditions of life on earth. Is the person who feels this theory living in the first world--is s/he one of the 5% of people on the planet with a PC? Is his/her life one of comparative material luxury and good health? Maybe this already answers the question.

For those who would like to be back here again the considerations are probably about the When question? Should next time be before, during or after the nuclear destruction of the planet. During or after the shift of the poles? Should we come back as slaves to aliens, or as a hungry tribe fiercely fighting for uncontaminated food?

We don't think reincarnation is a copout. Fact is, reincarnation is what scares most believers into action to try NOT to be back here again.



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